Mehlsensvej, Liseleje, Denmark

Current Weather Conditions

27-12-2024 20:20:00

Current Conditions
Outside Temperature 5,3 deg C
Outside2 Temperature 5,7 deg C
Wind Chill 5,3 deg C
Heat Index 4,5 deg C
Dewpoint 5,3 deg C
Humidity 100%
Wind 0,0 m/s from N/A (N/A)
Rain Rate 0,0 mm/hr
Last rain 27-12-2024 15:45:00
Time since last rain 0 days, 4 hours, 35 minutes


Since Midnight
High Outside Temperature
Low Outside Temperature
7,1 deg C at 00:00:51
5,3 deg C at 20:17:56
High Outside2 Temperature
Low Outside2 Temperature
7,0 deg C at 00:00:10
5,7 deg C at 20:15:33
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
6,4 deg C at 00:00:51
2,1 deg C at 12:37:21
High Humidity
Low Humidity
100% at 00:00:10
100% at 00:00:10
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
7,1 deg C at 00:00:51
5,3 deg C at 20:17:56
Today's Rain 0,8 mm
High Rain Rate 0,6 mm/hr at 00:00:10
High Wind 7,2 m/s from 70 deg at 12:37:21
Average Wind 0,1 m/s
RMS Wind 0,1 m/s
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
0,1 m/s
311 deg


About this weather station:
Latitude: 56° 00.48' N
Longitude: 011° 57.98' E
Altitude: 4 meters

This station uses a Ostergaard-sommer hardware, a customized, 3D printed, EXP8266 based hardware, The data is ultimately send to a server controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python.
The weatherstation is placed in 3 meters height on the roof and is exposed to the sun to get the rain and wind right, so the temperatures are higher in sunlight, and lower in nights with low wind. The 'Outside2' temperature sensor is placed below the roof and may be more representative.

Season skin Windrose
Værløse Steel Series

Sommerhus internal

Weewx uptime: 36 days, 9 hours, 42 minutes
Server uptime: 36 days, 9 hours, 44 minutes
weewx v5.0.0

Today's Almanac
Start civil twilight: 07:55:11
Sunrise: 08:43:00
Transit: 12:13:23
Sunset: 15:43:53
End civil twilight: 16:31:42
Azimuth: 282.8°
Altitude: -36.6°
Right ascension: 277.1°
Declination: -23.3°
Equinox: 20-03-2025 10:01:14
Solstice: 21-06-2025 04:42:18
Rise: 05:30:19
Transit: 09:09:24
Set: 12:38:25
Azimuth: 330.3°
Altitude: -56.2°
Right ascension: 236.4°
Declination: -24.7°
New moon: 30-12-2024 23:26:44
Full moon: 13-01-2025 23:26:51
Phase: Waning crescent
(10% full)
temperatures heatchill outside humidity rain rain wind barometer Hi Wind Wind Vector
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