Mosegård Park, Værløse, Denmark

Current Weather Conditions

06-10-2024 21:15:00

Current Conditions
Outside Temperature 10,2 deg C
Foran Temperature 12,1 deg C
Wind Chill 10,2 deg C
Heat Index 9,3 deg C
Dewpoint 6,6 deg C
Humidity 78%
Barometer 1012,3 mbar
Barometer Trend (3 hours) -0,9 mbar
Wind 0,6 m/s from 158 deg (SSE)
Rain Rate 0,0 mm/hr
Last rain 06-10-2024 06:00:00
Time since last rain 0 days, 15 hours, 15 minutes
Solar Radiation N/A


Since Midnight
High Temperature
Low Temperature
14,4 deg C at 14:16:08
4,3 deg C at 07:10:52
High Foran Temp
Low ForanTemp
14,4 deg C at 14:16:08
4,3 deg C at 07:10:52
High Heat Index
Low Wind Chill
13,9 deg C at 14:16:29
4,3 deg C at 07:10:00
High Humidity
Low Humidity
99% at 09:47:47
72% at 16:33:58
High Dewpoint
Low Dewpoint
10,7 deg C at 11:50:13
1,8 deg C at 06:42:46
High Barometer
Low Barometer
1019,3 mbar at 00:55:00
1012,3 mbar at 21:15:00
Today's Rain 0,2 mm
High Rain Rate 0,9 mm/hr at 05:55:45
High Wind 13,9 m/s from 180 deg at 17:46:03
Average Wind 0,7 m/s
RMS Wind 1,2 m/s
Vector Average Speed
Vector Average Direction
0,6 m/s
136 deg
High Radiation
Low Radiation
128 W/m2; at 13:15:50
0 W/m2; at 07:40:00


About this weather station:
Latitude: 55° 47.14' N
Longitude: 012° 23.16' E
Altitude: 55 meters

This station uses a Ostergaard hardware, a customized, Raspberry Pi 2 based hardware, based on the mechanics of an old Ventus W266. The software is made in Python, and the data is ultimately send to a server controlled by 'weewx', an experimental weather software system written in Python. Further more, a number of temperatur/humidity measuring ESP8266-base arduino-like WiFi enabled nodes reports local data to the system.

Amphibian Skin Season Skin
Bootstrap skin Steel Series
Windrose Sommerhus
Internal Sommerhus Internal

Weewx uptime: 171 days, 1 hour, 56 minutes
Server uptime: 309 days, 8 hours, 21 minutes
weewx v5.0.0

Today's Almanac
Start civil twilight: 06:45:55
Sunrise: 07:23:28
Transit: 12:58:25
Sunset: 18:32:19
End civil twilight: 19:09:46
Azimuth: 296.4°
Altitude: -23.2°
Right ascension: 192.9°
Declination: -5.5°
Solstice: 21-12-2024 10:20:20
Equinox: 20-03-2025 10:01:14
Rise: 11:55:25
Transit: 15:33:55
Set: 19:02:28
Azimuth: 250.3°
Altitude: -16.3°
Right ascension: 234.0°
Declination: -24.4°
Full moon: 17-10-2024 13:26:21
New moon: 01-11-2024 13:47:06
Phase: Waxing crescent
(14% full)
temperatures heatchill outside humidity rain rain wind barometer Hi Wind Wind Vector Radiation
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